The Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL) was founded in 1993 by the Intelligent Systems
research group at the Computer Science Department, Roskilde University.
A major issue in ISL is intelligent systems for flexible search in information bases.
ISL's approach involves less regid means of querying, by introducing soft concepts in
query formulations and involves more tolerant evaluation of queries exploiting also
knowledge about the domain and knowledge about the user in query answers.
The laboratory draw upon basic research in areas such as database theory, knowledge
representation, automated reasoning, fuzzy logic, logic programming and artificial intelligence.
Projects in ISL range from basic research to joint projects with external commercial
partners ISL also hosts Ph.D. and graduate students projects.
The laboratory has a number of system developers and programmers employeed and the
main purpose of the lab is to transfer theoretical results into prototype systems
and to support - and give inspiration to - students in their project work.